Firearms Classes Offered

Basic Pistol Class

This is the required class to qualify for and obtain your State of Connecticut pistol permit. The class covers a wide range of topics including firearms safety, types of guns, proper shooting grip and stance, aiming, gun malfunction remedies, cleaning etc.

The class is 8 hours long including range time.

The While you Wait Class

You’ve taken a Basic Pistol Class, submitted your paperwork and now you’re waiting for your Permit. It could be months or longer before you actually get to put into practice what you learned in the Basic Class. Once they have obtained their permit many people show up at a gun range anxious and confused trying to remember all that they learned in that first class which now seems so long ago. They tend to stumble through, hopefully safely on their own, sometimes they may even get some “help” from another shooter at the range who in many cases may have just a bit more experience than they do.

After seeing so many people go through this same process (remember, we were all new once) this class was developed to address that gap in training. You don’t need to be idle, the While you Wait class will make use of that time in a productive manner so that when you head out to the range on your own for the first time you will be safe, confident and have already started to develop a solid firearms skillset.

This class will help reinforce and put into practice all those things that you learned while sitting at the table in the Basic Pistol class. The difference is you will be spending most of your time on the range, not in the classroom.

You will get a chance to try out a variety of handguns, (this may aid you in deciding on which firearm to purchase) you will practice safety rules in real time, not just speak them. There will be hands-on practice for loading, unloading, handling and firing. You can work on grip, stance, aiming and shooting positions, learn to clear stoppages and handle malfunctions and much more.

All of this is done under the direction of the instructor and under the watchful eye of the Range Safety Officer. Competently and safely guided while you start to develop your skills without confusion, pressure, or anxiety.

This class is 5 hours

Basic Pistol Certificate, Sturdy shoes and clothing suitable for outdoors.

Beyond Basic Pistol

Now that you have obtained your permit and perhaps your first gun it’s time to go beyond the basics. If you haven’t purchased a firearm yet this class is a good way to explore the many options available to you. In this class we start by revisiting the safety rules you learned in your basic pistol class. From there we go into shooting fundamentals, types of shooting, types of carry options. Cleaning and maintaining your firearm, how to safely clear jams and malfunctions that may arise. The class gives you a chance to become acquainted and familiar with your firearm in a safe and instructive manner.

The class is 4 hours including range time.

Equipment requirements: Eye and Ear protection, pistol if you have one and 100 rounds of ammo. Sturdy shoes and clothing suitable for outdoors.

Trauma Med and CPR Class

If the worst should happen could you save a life? As responsible, prepared gun owners we train to defend ourselves, that may mean that we have to take a life in defense of our own. So, if we train to take a life shouldn’t we then train to save a life if needed?

Maybe a friend or loved one is injured in an attack or accident? Could you render that basic level first aid to stop serious bleeding, clear an airway or start CPR? These days when we need information we don’t have we often turn to the internet. Do you really want to be watching a YouTube video on how to treat a sucking chest wound while your friend is dying?  As with most things that matter being prepared is usually the difference between success and failure.


In this 1 day Trauma Med class we will get you prepared to react should the worst happen.  Packed with loads of information on how to provide first level care the class includes the following:


·       Basic anatomy and physiology of life sustaining systems

·       H, A, B, C’s- Hemorrhage, Airway, Breathing, Circulation

·       Trauma Medical Kit components

·       Basic and Advanced airway management

·       Basic First Aid and advanced wound care

·       Application of bandages and hemostatic agents

·       Application of tourniquets

·       Recognition and treatment of various injuries (Gunshot, laceration, burn, airway, head, orthopedic)

·       Recognition and treatment of shock

·       Moving and positioning victims with various injuries

In addition the class includes Adult/child and infant CPR and the use of an AED.

This class is 8 hours long, cost is $140.00 per person


About the Instructor

This class is being led by Jonathan Hibbard

Jon boasts an impressive resume in emergency medical services and education spanning over 30 years. Jon is also the owner and lead instructor of Connecticut Medical Training Academy.  As a firefighter/ paramedic Jon has seen more than his fair share of trauma injuries and presents the knowledge of how to identify and deal with them in a clear and concise manner.

Skill Builder Class

It’s time to get your training ready to advance to the next level! In the Skill builder class we focus on you “working” with your gun. This is a fast paced class conducted in a safe manner that will start to make carrying and shooting a firearm seem like second nature. Using a step-by-step approach we will develop your skills in areas such as: carry method, drawing from a holster, mastering your grip, point shooting, tactical jam or malfunction clearing, barricade shooting, shooting and moving, engaging multiple targets. 

The class is 5 hours including range time. 

Equipment requirements: Eye and Ear protection, pistol with 2 magazines minimum and holster, 200 rounds of ammo. Sturdy shoes and clothing suitable for outdoors.

Practical Positional Shooting Class

If you find yourself being attacked and having to defend yourself with your firearm it’s highly unlikely that your attacker will wait for you to get in your favorite shooting stance with plenty of distance between you and them, all the while holding perfectly still until you get your shot off!

You may find yourself face to face, just inches from your attacker, you could wind up on your back on the floor, or backed into a corner, maybe you’re in your car and being attacked by a car jacker. Could you accurately and safely shoot from these or any of the other positions you may find yourself in? Can you maintain possession of your gun, or will your attacker take it from you?

The reality is that those who mean to do us harm practice their craft, they hone their attack skills each time they victimize someone.  If the first time you fire your gun from an awkward position is when you're being attacked, you may find yourself unprepared. 

In this class we will learn how to shoot from retention in a wide variety of positions. How to maintain possession of your firearm, clear common close quarter firearm malfunctions, safely hit your attacker and not yourself.  We will execute fire and retreat drills so you can remove yourself from the encounter safely. 

The class is 5 hours including range time. 

Equipment requirements: Eye and Ear protection, pistol with 2 magazines minimum and holster, 200 rounds of ammo. Sturdy shoes and clothing suitable for outdoors.

Carrying Concealed – Defensive Pistol Class

Keep in mind that the Basic Pistol class you took to get your Pistol permit is NOT a Concealed Carry class.  There is much to learn beyond the basics to be ready to utilize a firearm for self-defense.

Carrying concealed is a mindset as much as it is a skillset. There is much more involved than just putting your gun in a purse or wearing a jacket over a gun.  

In this class students will learn the proper ways to carry and deploy a concealed firearm. We will cover how to assess threats and respond with the necessary force to defeat the threat. Important skills such as when and how to draw your gun, shooting from cover, shooting and moving, addressing multiple threats, situational awareness and conflict avoidance are covered and practiced in great detail. 

 This class is 2 days including range time. 

Equipment requirements: Eye and Ear protection, pistol with 2 magazines minimum and holster, 500 rounds of ammo. Sturdy shoes, clothing and cover garment suitable for outdoors.

We offer private instruction for all classes listed as well as “student specific” classes where the class can be tailored to the needs of the student.

Please check our schedule page for “Ladies Only” class offerings.


Private Instruction.