
A Life Long Gun Guy

Ron has a law enforcement background as well as having spent some time on protective details for high profile individuals.

With over 4 decades of firearms experience in a wide variety of situations he is a certified pistol instructor and chief range safety officer.

Teaching people to protect and defend themselves is a passion that he embraces. Keeping classes safe, informative, fun, and practical while instilling a defensive mindset comes from years of experience instructing in a broad range of topics.

 Good Girl With a Gun

Just four short years ago Nicole picked up a gun for the first time.

Since that time she has quickly become highly competent with both pistols and rifles. Her understanding of body mechanics and quick reflexes make her a natural shooter.

She is a certified range safety officer and assistant instructor. Don’t be surprised to see her on the ladies 3 gun competitive circuit in the very near future.

Nicole is especially committed to helping women become competent self defenders.

The Range

Part of what makes Good Guy with a Gun a unique and effective training program is our range. Most shooting ranges, either indoor or outdoor, require shooting from behind a bench or table. At these ranges you are typically not allowed to move around out of your “port” or lane, drawing your firearm from a holster is typically not allowed nor is shooting while advancing or retreating or moving to cover.  They also allow multiple shooters at the same time; this usually means a mix of students and non-students shooting at the same time which can be distracting and confusing.

Located in Wolcott CT, our range is a Live Action facility, this means you are training and shooting in more real-life scenarios, not just from standing behind a bench.  We offer classes that teach and develop skills for the real world, our range allows for practice in that type of setting.  You can move about the range, shoot from several positions, work from a holster, shoot and move. 

Most importantly our range is private, only open to students, NOT the public. The only people shooting are students of the particular class being taught. Class size is intentionally kept small, so students get almost individual attention from the instructor. 

Let’s get things started.