Carrying Concealed – Defensive Pistol Class

Class Details

Keep in mind that the Basic Pistol class you took to get your Pistol permit is NOT a Concealed Carry class. There is much to learn beyond the basics to be ready to utilize a firearm for self-defense.

Carrying concealed is a mindset as much as it is a skillset. There is much more involved than just putting your gun in a purse or wearing a jacket over a gun.

In this class students will learn the proper ways to carry and deploy a concealed firearm. We will cover how to assess threats and respond with the necessary force to defeat the threat. Important skills such as when and how to draw your gun, shooting from cover, shooting and moving, addressing multiple threats, situational awareness and conflict avoidance are covered and practiced in great detail.

This class is 2 days including range time.

Equipment requirements: Eye and Ear protection, pistol with 2 magazines minimum and holster, 500 rounds of ammo. Sturdy shoes, clothing and cover garment suitable for outdoors.


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We offer private instruction for all classes listed as well as “student specific” classes where the class can be tailored to the needs of the student.

Please check our schedule page for “Ladies Only” class offerings.


Private Instruction.