It has been said that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

These days that seems to be a very true and accurate statement. Due to an increase in violent crimes such as: muggings, carjackings, kidnappings, assaults, home invasions, etc.; there are a record number of Americans obtaining firearms for the first time in their lives, to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Once they get their pistol permit and purchase a gun many people choose not to carry their gun because they lack confidence. In reality, just owning a gun will do little to protect you from an attacker. In fact, if you’re untrained and unsure how to properly use your gun to defend yourself there’s a chance your attacker may take your gun from you, making a bad situation worse!


That does not have to happen! 

Carrying a firearm for self-defense isn’t just empowering, it is also a great responsibility. 


Good Guy With A Gun provides classes and training that are not designed to transform you from soccer mom to Warrior or office worker to Special Forces Operator. Our classes are designed to teach everyday people how to carry and use a handgun for personal protection safely, responsibly, properly, and with confidence. 

By using real-life scenarios as the framework for how we train we can greatly improve your odds of either avoiding or surviving an attack. If you find yourself forced to engage a threat by using your firearm, we can train you how to do so effectively. Additionally, by continuing to practice the skills and drills we teach you will always be ready to defend yourself, should the need arise.

What students are saying

  • Awesome Class!

    I previously took a pistol permit class in another state, after moving to Connecticut I needed to start the process over to get a Connecticut permit. The class that Ron taught was so much more informative and easier to understand than the previous one it was like night and day. The range instruction made me a better shooter! I’ll be back for more classes!

  • Finally Confident

    After years of owning and sometimes carrying my gun I finally feel confident enough to carry everyday thanks to the training that I got from Ron.

  • Good class

    Nicole and Ron made it easy to learn in a safe, fun and informative way. I did good on both my written test and shooting parts of the course thanks to them. They are both very patient and explain things in a good way!